About You

This well known diagram represents you
Affirmation Air Stickman Diagram

5 sensory information we feed our conscious mind gets stored below in the subconscious mind. Your emotions and feelings are all in your subconscious acting out the drama your body experiences every day. 

The idea of affirmations is to push positive sensory information from our conscious mind, into your subconscious to then manifest into your life. 

With this understanding, now think about the last time you caught a scent of something and a memory popped up. The reason for this phenomenon is that your brain connects aromas to neural pathways in your mind. In fact, scent is the most powerful pathway to your deep subconscious… yet it’s completely under-used

This isn’t new information, in fact an ancient spiritual teaching is as follows, “the more senses involved in an affirmation, the more likely it is manifest”. 

With Affirmational Air’s custom aromatic affirmations, you can now turn your car into not just a vehicle, but a vehicle between your affirmation and your subconscious mind to manifest your dreams.

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